Monday, September 17, 2012


This is a really nice day out, Of course I am not out I'm in the office and I only now it's nice out because I stepped out for lunch.  I am writing today and I must admit I have no topic, few things on my mind and I can go through and just kinda summarize which seems like a good Idea, so first on my mind is this Black and white party I am hosting Friday, Its for a close friend and her brother, we have been planning it for about 2 months and I've already sent out the evite. Plus getting together for random meet ups with different people in the know, for ideas of games and fun stuff like that. My only fear is to take it to far. Like I am not wanting it to be perfect but at least go according to plan and what if her family member decides to take control. I'm not to new to hosting parties, but this is a new crowd so anything is possible. Shoot me now!! 

Next would be relationships. I think mentioned there might be someone... Well he is not giving me any signals. We have been talking for like 2 months and I have been very clear with him. Meaning I am very nice. I know being nice is not a sign since everyone should be nice (I can hear my Tia saying this to her daughter) but I don't mean that kind I mean girly/flirty/talk I am listening nice. You see I don't give my time to guys who are not worth it. I cant even think of accepting an invitation to eat with someone who I do not enjoy talking to. I am not rude no but lets just say I have not given my number out to often. So here I am really trying to be available with this guy and he just doesn't seem to be wanting to do more then chat every now and then. Also he keeps mentioning another someone. Aaaah! so I am standing my ground and I will remain nice and keep him on my good list ha. He is supposed to be in attendance at this party so I hope to make some head way. (Happy) However that other someone will be in attendance as well. (I want to hide under a big fluffy blanket). Wish me luck.

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