Monday, December 8, 2014

Long and Strong Nails


Hello Hello,

I am so excited. Christmas and New years are just around the corner and I have always made these dates markers for making sure a few things on my person are up to par. For instance my Hair (this topic is a whole story in itself) however what I mean is I'll stop using hot tools on it and trim it about 8 weeks before the event and look up ideas on pintrest to be inspired. another thing is my nails and that brings us to today's blog.

So I have to be super honest first and for most. I have always had strong nails. However growing up I never kept them out of my mouth. Biting them not because I was nervous more because it was a habit. All the way until my late teens. It went fairly well I always had Hard as nails by Sally Hansen in stock lol. I played the Piano so having a broken nail here and there was fact of life. Once I was old enough to know what fake nails where I would get discouraged if one broke before an event and I would go and get all of them done to look as natural as possible. (I'm a naturalist living in the real world lol) and that's where my nails began to go down the drain. Because after I get them done and the fake nails have come off, my natural nails are so brittle and thin that they split and break so easy. and it takes a good 2 months to grow them back out strong.  I was able to get them back for about 2 years and then I have no idea what happened but probably like 7 months ago they turned into these brittle thin things on the tips of my fingers.  I was desperate I had a important trip coming up so I.. You guessed it I got them done and it was so nice to have them all done the same even though I knew what was coming up 2 weeks later. That's about how long they last me. I had to stop and ask myself what was really going on? I am of a certain age now and I really hadn't changed my diet. So I began to do research and also I remembered what girlfriends have done and what worked for them. One of the things I started doing that I really never have done is take vitamins. You can talk with your doctor about what works for you. I take a Vitamin that has Calcium, Biotin and Iron in it. I also started scrubbing my hands and nails once a week with the Satin hands from Mary Kay. It gives me a moment to pamper myself and it smells really good, yes I use the fragrance free go figure. The last thing I have started to do is apply Nail envy by O.P.I $17.50 at a Spa/Salon close by. I have some before and after pics for you. I have been taking the vitamins for about 3 months and I drink water everyday. I am really doing my best to give my body what its lacking. It's not a secret either my body is giving me clear signs unfortunately. So I hope to have them Long and Strong for the end of 2014 and the beginning of 2015!!

Before Pictures taken 11/14/2014

Right Hand 

Left hand. Really bad.

The Instructions say 2 Coats then every other day another re apply and then weekly remove. My head is telling me well if your applying this stuff your not going to bite them so of course they will grow. I say back to my head "well maybe they will be thick like when I was a youngster" lol. 

Taken 12/08/2014 

Right hand

Left Hand

So far they are looking great. I will keep them short until all of them or the same length then I'll let them grow out some. Its been about 3 and 1/2 weeks not bad. 

Sometimes the easiest way to get out of a rut is to get some new product or remedy that will help and set a goal. Take pictures or share your goals with someone. Then you'll feel so good when you can keep them updated to your progress.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Gratitude 2014

Sammy made the Banner and Elise is posing and Smiling

 I have so many reasons to be Thankful.
I won't make this a "tissue needed read" lol. I will say one of the things I am Thankful for is TIME.
Why Time? You ask, well Time has a way of  Helping us get through, overcome, grow, and heal.
This was my favorite Thanksgiving of all times. Even the turkey needed more Time, (hahaha) my sister probably won't like that I said that. Love you little Sisley, but oh how juicy and tasty that turkey was. My little sisley made it and she did a superb job as always. She has a way of pulling out the best taste in food and bake goods when she puts her mind to it. We came together on Saturday and there was plenty of Turkey =)
Mashed potatoes and love to go around.
We Played phase10 laughed and made memories.
How was your thanksgiving?

Mi Amor and Mills

I hope yours was warm and full of wonderful times. God Bless. Till next time 