Friday, December 11, 2015

and so this is Christmas

Hi its me,

The Ornament he bought for me
I feel like a bad friend, you know like the one who only calls or texts when their world is tilting the wrong way but wait no that doesn't seem right. I have great news, wonderful news! so I guess I'm like those other friends who only show up to boast and make you feel like your life is in some kind of sludge. Hhm Maybe I am the only one that happens to. 
 So guess what.... Guess guess guesssssss ok I'll tell you. A wedding happened =) isn't that so exciting. One of my best friends  was married this past November. 

Life is always surprising me, you think its going one way and then bam out of nowhere comes a curve, this was a good surprise. We said at the beginning of the year 2015 that one of us was going to be married by the end of it (She was the one who said it to be perfectly honest)and I was kinda, actually very is a better word. I was very skeptical and yet hopeful that if it was meant to be for one of us that we wouldn't be wrapped in dense fog of  some past relationship or emotionally not ready. God only knows how many opportunities have passed us due to these valleys we have set up camp in for to long.
 I want to say a tad about her now. Not to praise her but to put into words what a great inspiration she has become to me in the past 6 years or so. I had just moved back to my home town when I was was shopping at a large retail store and I ran into a best friend whom she was with, the three of us just clicked right off. The rest is history as they say. I have seen her happy, sad, scared, in love, not so in love and  I don't know how to tell you this but in the last 3 years she has grown into a confident, emotionally healthy and spiritual woman of God. I am amazed every time we are together how much she has grown. Her and her husband are such a great couple. May they have many many years of happiness to come.

Her and I
November 2015

I am always taking pictures of our shoes, I LOVE Shoes!
 Me & My guy

One thing I know for sure is you can ever know what life has for you around the corner but every time a curve pops on your journey just know that whats behind you is old and whats before you is new and if it was made to last it wont stay behind but will stick by your side through every curve and twist that comes your way. 
Ps. it always makes it feel a tad less like its the end of the world when you have wonderful friends. I am truly blessed.

I will be writing again soon I promise. Enjoy your Christmas if I do not speak to you before than. Merry Christmas and a Happy New year to you all

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