Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Time for Vacation!

Hello lovelys,
       How are you today? Its fall!! Windy outside and so many burning red colors. I am having a mad love affair with boots =) and I already started listening to my Christmas station (Since the end of September to be precise) I told someone and they said that's gross. Haha I was mildly offended,
      So here's the deal. In a few days I'm headed out of the country. Not to far but far enough for there to be a climate change. Lots of sun and heat. So I have been on this hunt to find what I can wear out there besides the bathing suit while laying out. I'm pretty modest dresser. (Is that a word? Dresser?) and I need to find a way to stay me but not be burning up or get horrible tan lines. I have been to many stores looking and trying to get my head wrap around what I want to do and what I can find in time for the trip.
So here's some things I found out.

1. Covering up is an option
2.Colors are a must for during the day, the brighter the better
3. Light fabrics only

That should be common sense right, However I have not really done the south America vacation. New York yup, Denver sure, Oregon Loved it! but not the place where you can amp up your tan and relax all day. I can't wait!! So I had to think about it and that's what I came up with. I may be wrong so there will be a follow up post along with some pics. Hopefully.

Now I have to get my head back to work. I can't believe 30 is right around the corner for me and my Prima. We don't even look it nor do we feel it. I mean there are times when Im around a 20 something year old and there going on and on about this guy and then that guy. "Do you like my hair? Cee you look so nice, Oh My GAWD did you go to the Ellie Golding Concert? (Yes I did), I love her I want her hair, What do you think?" Haha I always feel my age at those times. Its not like I don't think stuff like that Its just not that important to actually say it out loud. I'm to busy making sure no more grays show up =(  I have 3!!

The nieces are growing so fast. I can't keep up. The 4 year old, Yes 4 years old is a walking little boss. "Tia wake up its time". I'm looking at the clock and its reading 6:45am. How does she do it? "Can I wear your shoes today, They will go great with my dress". I say Baby your wearing your pjs. "I know, but it's a dress too!" She has this thing that she has to where a dress to bed over her pj's. So we have these tops that connect to a too-too material and she wears those over her pj's every night. It's a nightmare if there's no clean ones. Then there's the 2 year old one she just discovered that your supposed to pose when taking a picture not just say cheeeeese burger. Of course most of her pictures are taken as she says burgeeeer.

She is always sleeping!!

Getting ready for fall

Hello there,
Wherever you are. This is my post with another of me and my sisters DIY for Fall 2013 she and I make a great team. I get Ideas and she is the artist =) I'll say yea that's cute, can we make it gold somehow? She will say "we do have spray paint left over from the shelves in you room". and wallaa its done.

So here's something we did together for the front of the casa.
Enjoy! any questions let me know.

All Done. Happy Fall Everyone!!
Ps My Grams gave me the plant =)

Thursday, May 30, 2013


So today is a great day to write... The sprinkler is on in the front, my sister is giving the girls her undivided attention. Every now and then the littlest one comes to me to hit me and then run away.  I think she just shows her love in different forms then the norm ha. I am so excited its summer. We have a heat wave warning here in northern California. So that means lots of water and no hot tea at work. Parking in the shade only. Light Colors and Smiles Lots of Smiles

First off we had our, hold on my niece #2 has come to tell me she got pow pow from momma, Hhm. I will have to think about that. Anyways back to getting you up to date.  We had our first annual picnic the other Saturday and it was a total success, many people showed up and we had a great volleyball game, there was plenty of food Whew  drinks and laughter. This was a fiesta put on by Amiga's. My moms my big & lil sis even showed up. We had a great time. I hope that this will become a tradition and that we will bring our future husbands and families in the years to come. That makes me sad for some reason. I'll need to think about that as well
Secondly I have NOT been to the gym for ... let me think. Well I'll just say a long while. (No need to embarrass myself more then necessary). I just asked my mom today if she will go with mua in the AM to the local park to jog/walk and she said yes. So I am starting tomorrow and I will be on from now on. That makes me happy. (Sheesh I'm a rollercoster of emotions today lol) The other day I was up early and I smelt the smell that I so love. It was the smell of crisp cool air along with a hint of fire smoke. That made me just want to go out and buy new boots or maybe these beauties you can find them here http://www.zara.com

My boots lol

So know that I am all side tracked.

Thirdly I have a thought about how important role models are in our lives, no matter your age. I think that this could be a good topic and I would love to just type away. However I'll just tell you that my practical niece LOVES her Mommy and she wants to be just like her someday. This picture should explain. My moms and my sisters where at www.pfchangs.com having some amazing Chinese food. While we were talking the girls colored and then we looked over at Niece #1 and she was humming to herself folding up the coler sheet. I think our first reaction was to immediately fix the situation but we took a second to long and She looked at us and smiled and asked, "Do you like them"? Our eyes where large and someone asked "what do mean?" to which she replied "my earrings silly, they are like mommy's" the LOVE

 Have a Wonderful weekend, God Bless and I hope you stay cool wherever you are.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Dresser


Hey hey,
How are you?? Its been forever and a day. I have been thinking about you and wanting to come spend some time with you but just have not made the time. (Due to the lack there of). I have a new full time job and I am so exhausted by the end of the day mentally that I cant think any more. Hopefully when the car situation here at my house gets sorted then I can maybe get to the gym during the week and get my body back into shape. This somehow will help me get back into some sort of a routine I suppose and then I will choose a night once a week where I will write. Wow that sounds very thought out, and to think I thought of it just now lol. The weather is really turning into "hi lets stay outside and never return inside again". Maybe I'll go for a bike ride or two. I am lucky to have no windows at my job where I sit. I say lucky because I can be somewhat of a daydreamer and If  I could see how beautiful it is while I attempt to work I might not get that much done.Dreaming of the warmth of the sun and how it would feel on my face if I were to be sitting outside in my back yard. I can hear my niece saying Tia blow more bubbles please. Sigh enough of that. So what I did is I bought myself a plant to keep me somewhat sane and I'll share a picture her. I sit her in the hall over the weekends as she enjoys the indirect sunlight from the sky lights.
Here is Miss Pretty

Also I put some lifts under my screens at work not a dramatic lift but it was enough to give my neck somewhat of a relief. here I'll show you them as well.

These are the books I had taken out from under the screen
I put these under my right screen and
These under the left screen.

I feel much better and they look fun. I had second thoughts that someone might say something about them not being about work. However if you go into our break room or our Lobby you will see stacks and stacks of these good reads. So I think I'm safe.
I am at work so much that Its very important to me that my desk be visually appealing, not sure why I just go with it and I am happy =)

I painted my dresser as well, I don't know if this is TMI but I have not had a dresser for about 10 years at the least. Seriously I just didn't have one. I had like 4 baskets and then there was 6 and I began to think I should look for a dresser. I really liked the Mirrored dressers and then I started seeing them everywhere and I was not so enthusiastic about paying that price. While blog surfing I found this dresser that I could not take my eyes off of. I immediately sent my sister (the artistic one in my fam) a link and asked her if we could do this to my dresser  would buy. Please please please. Keep in mind that I still had not found one. Well months past and I had looked and just never could see what I wanted in any of the options at any local Goodwill or thrift shops. One day I came home to find on my front porch a dresser. My mom bless her soul said "Mija look it was free" My mom does this very often and I have many things she has given me over the years that all though they are cool (The white fluffy rug now grey from all the little feet the pass over it daily) Fun (the Upright piano I barley could fit in my tiny room when I was living with my prima) she was so proud to have gotten it for "Free mija". Its currently siting in her garage as I will not move it into our new place. I wont!! I really could go on and on. However back to my surprise on my porch. I am not a unappreciative daughter/person. So I looked at the dresser and scratched my head. I looked at my little niece and I asked her "What color is that baby?" and she correctly answered "It's Green, I think" then she giggled and ran inside to tell her mom I have a funny face. First off it was definitely doing something and that's the first step to wining my heart. It doesn't matter if were talking about a piece of clothing, a couch, a shower curtain, a church, a country, a song or a new guy in the office, as long as its doing something I'm interested. So I thought maybe a coat of paint might bring this dresser to this century. I had to really think tho because it was going to be in my room. I remembered the picture of the dresser I sent to my sisley way back when and the wheels in my head started turning. I will spare you all the conversations I had with her about colors and such. I'll just show you what it looked like doing and then the finished project.This is after I covered it with two cans of cream spray paint

  I just used spray paint and a clear coat and that was that. No it didn't come out perfect, but that's the second thing you need to win my heart. A unique style of imperfections that make you even more beautiful then ever. I will add a pic of the finished project in just a few, and No I don't have a before picture because I don't think that's important. That is the  past and it has no weight on my decision that I love it how it is now =)

Thanks mom for not changing how you do.

I'll be back soon and we can chat again. Have a lovely day!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


So here I am sitting down to write. I don't know if I said this in any of my past post but I usually just write what is on my mind when I sit down. It's been so terribly long since I wrote I have a list in my head of topics. oh first I want to show you whats on my desk

The See's is a gift for my birthday that passed recently. (Another topic I need to cover in this post. Also Mouse pad is from Freshly Picked and the Wire rack (Which was silver before I sprayed it gold) along with the Sticky dispenser are from Office max. Just wanted to share it with you =)

Yes I had my 29th Birthday recently and there was many parties, cake and  gifts plus I have so many memories that I will keep with me forever. I must share that I no longer look forward to my birthday with the same eagerness and excitement. Now I wake up the day of my birthday and dread looking in the mirror as i might find more wrinkles or yet another gray hair (CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!). Well one thing I did that I am proud of and that's I took pictures. Now if your like me you where raised in a home were we rarely took pictures as a family and we did not even own a camera. So apart from the school pictures or the ones from the random disposal cameras that we bought when we were headed to a spare the moment road trip to the ocean, Magic Mountain or something like that. Now how this came about is my Prima, Oops I mean my unmentionable person whom I will refer to as U P from now on. Anyways  I used to live with her as mentioned previously has quit a few hobbies and one is photography, and for my birthday she and one of her photographer friends whom I don't have the permission to name either went out and spent the day looking at me through the lens of their cameras. I would post some pictures however i am a bit shy. Thats why I am so proud as I wouldn't do something like this originally however I decide to try something new and it was a bit awkward as I didn't know what to do with my face, hands, cheeks and so needles to say I was so happy it was my U P shooting me.I highly suggest doing this if you never have. it was a nice experience all and all. I'll share one.

I do need to log off now. and Ive only covered a few topics on my list. I will be back soon I promise.

Thanks for reading